Adding all untracked files to Git conditionally
Adding a lot of untracked files in a Git working copy can be a pain. When I want move control over “git add *” or “git add .”, I sometimes run the following and pipe to xargs (and optionally use grep to filter my selection of files). This allows you conditionally add files based on your grep.
# review file modifications
$ git status
# ...snip...
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# ../all/modules/contrib/examples/ajax_example/ajax_example.test
# ../all/modules/contrib/examples/contextual_links_example/
# ../all/modules/contrib/examples/
# ../all/modules/contrib/examples/examples.module
# ../all/modules/contrib/examples/form_example/
# ../all/modules/contrib/examples/pager_example/
# ../all/modules/contrib/examples/tablesort_example/
# ../all/modules/contrib/examples/theming_example/
# add all untracked files
$ git status -s | grep ^?? | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -i git add '{}'
For example if you only wanted to add jpg files:
$ git status -s | grep ^?? | awk '{print $2}' | grep -i \.jpg$ | xargs -i git add '{}'
And on Mac OSX:
$ git status -s | grep ^?? | awk '{print $2}' | grep -i \.jpg$ | xargs -I{} git add '{}'